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  • Our Logo

The 72nd IVSA Symposium (in Indonesia) logo draws inspiration from the vibrant colors of Bali, its beautiful sunset, and the beach. The Bali Starling songbird (locally known as Jalak Bali) is endemic to the island of Bali.

  • Our Theme

"Vets for Global One Health Security"

The theme spotlights veterinarians' essential roles in One Health because animals impact and are impacted by people and the environment. One Health Security is essential because if even one aspect of One Health is not achieved, a global health crisis can be threatened. Therefore, it is essential to maintain One Health Security and the efforts of various related parties, including veterinarians and veterinary students.

The logo and the theme together convey a powerful message of the 72nd IVSA Symposium to support the One Health Security agenda in the world.

Highlight of Symposium Activities

General Assembly Sessions

The General Assembly (GA) is when members gather to discuss and decide the future of IVSA.

During the GA, members vote on important issues and make decisions impacting IVSA's position when advocating for veterinary students.

The GA also plays a crucial role in the election of the next teams of IVSA officials, who will be responsible for the organisation's operations in the upcoming year.

During the symposium, we vote for the President of the next term.

The GA elects host for the annual congresses and symposia during the two annual meetings held 1.5 years in advance.

During this symposium, we will vote for the Congress in 2025.

Lectures & Workshop

Multiple lectures and workshops will take place during the symposium. Keep an eye out on our socials to discover all of them!  

International Stands

The International Stands is the perfect opportunity for our delegates to showcase their MOs/LCs and universities.

Every country has its stand where they can inform other delegates of the different opportunities their MO offers.

This is the perfect opportunity to find a new externship place or a new partner to do a Group Exchange! 

Cultural Evening

The cultural evening is an enrichment moment where the delegates can share their culture and learn about others. We ask the delegates to bring typical food and drinks from their country for the cultural evening. Also, traditional clothes and traditional dances/games are widely appreciated.

All delegates can then go from one table to another to learn more about the different countries, their traditions, and cultures at the symposium. 

Live & Silent Auction

Live Auction

The live auction is one of the two auctions where we generate funds for the Development Fund.

We ask our delegates to donate an item from their country. This can be anything from French cheese to traditional clothing items from Indonesia.

The auction starts, and every delegate can bid for the items. The last person to bid wins the item.

The whole amount collected during this activity goes to the Development Fund.

The DF allows many IVSA members to benefit from scholarships and grants. It also provides financial aid to IVSA MOs by donating books and educational material, covering their membership fees, and sponsoring projects that align with IVSA's mission.

Silent Auction

The silent auction is one of the two auctions where we generate funds for the Development Fund.

We ask our delegates to donate an item from their country. This can be anything from French cheese to traditional clothing items from Indonesia. Then, all our delegates walk through the different items and can start bidding by writing their bid on paper. Once the time is over, the last person who bids on the item wins the item.

The whole amount collected during this activity goes to the Development Fund.

The DF allows many IVSA members to benefit from scholarships and grants. It also provides financial aid to IVSA MOs by donating books and educational material, covering their membership fees, and sponsoring projects that align with IVSA's mission.

Formal Dinner

White T-Shirt Party

The White T-Shirt Party takes place on our last evening. The delegates can wear/carry a white T-shirt and some pens during this activity. They can then go to each other and write/draw something on it.

This T-shirt is a longtime souvenir for the delegates. 

Our Mascot

The Bali Starling (Leucopsar Rothschild), also known as the Rothschild's Mynah or Bali Mynah, and locally called Jalak Bali, is a critically endangered species endemic to the island of Bali. Today, in the wild, these scarce birds can be found only in the West Bali National Park and at Nusa Penida.

Arguably the most beautiful of all Mynahs, the Bali Starling is easily recognized by its pure-white coat, fringed with black along the tips of the tail and wings and with striking blue skin around the eyes. A beautiful white crest extends from his head as a final touch on this exquisite little bird. There is no significant difference between the male and female of the species.



Ida Bagus Windia Adnyana, drh., Ph.D.

Udayana University

Aditya Yudhana, drh., M.Si

Airlangga University

Fitriya Nur Annisa Dewi, Drh., Ph.D.

IPB University

Hery Wijayanto, Dr., drh., M.P.

Gadjah Mada University

Rohiman Aliyana Hermansyah, drh.

PT Rismawan Pratama Bersinar

Ahmad Fizri Afriandana, drh., M.Sc

PT Royal Canin Indonesia

Wendi Prameswari, drh.

Yayasan Inisiasi Alam Rehabilitasi Indonesia


Udayana University
Jalan Raya Kampus Unud
Bali, Indonesia

See route

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